Eugene Mallove
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Eugene Mallove |
From 1987 to 1991 Dr Mallove held the position of Chief Science Writer at MIT. However, instead of endorsing a Cold Fusion report of pivotal importance which had obtained its negative result by fraud, he demonstrated a quality unusual in modern journalism:— integrity. He resigned his position in “disgust and outrage” (see below), and became Editor in Chief of Infinite Energy magazine, which he founded in March 1995 together with Contributing Editors Lawrence Forsley, who left Infinite Energy in late 1996; Chris Tinsley, who also suffered a premature death (see above); and Jed Rothwell, who left in late 2002, going to
"... I was moved to announce that I had discovered egregious scientific fraud (performed on a Federal contract, no less) on the part of MIT hot fusion people in their so-called ‘failure’ to reproduce the excess heat effect claimed by Fleischmann and Pons. The group had, in fact, found apparent excess heat in its experiment, but one of the sixteen authors on the final report to the U.S. DOE had shifted and manufactured the data to eliminate a positive result. Had this data been properly reported, the entire course of history would have been changed and there might never have been a need for a publication such as Infinite Energy. The 55-page account of this travesty is available free of charge in a downloadable pdf file from our website,
In disgust and outrage, I resigned my Chief Science Writer position at MIT ..."
— Dr Eugene Mallove, former Editor-in Chief, Infinite Energy magazine, No 49 p6 — an "insider" who turned whistleblower. Infinite Energy No 24 also gives a detailed history of these shameful events.
Although he sometimes had bitter arguments with others working in New Energy technology, Dr Mallove, who was probably its highest-profile exponent, did have some successes in his long battle for recognition of this subject. Infinite Energy was able to attract papers from some very high-calibre authors, refuting the prevailing orthodox assertion that no reputable scientist would have anything to do with New Energy. For example, in the second to last issue before his death, Dr Mallove had published landmark papers by Dr Otto Reifenschweiler, former chief physicist with Philips Research Laboratories.29,30 These showed that as long ago as the 1950’s, highly anomalous experimental data on tritium was being obtained at Philips.
Dr Mallove was prepared where necessary to investigate and publish in considerable detail the efforts of the opponents of New Energy to discredit and suppress it. It is possible that the US Department of Energy’s decision to re-examine Cold Fusion in early 2004, after fifteen years of shunning and obstruction, was partly as a result of such pressure.31,32 This in turn triggered the remarkable cover story in the August 2004 issue of Popular Mechanics magazine.33 Only four days before his death, Dr Mallove had given an extensive briefing on Cold Fusion to author Jim Wilson, Popular Mechanics’ senior science editor. (see next)
“Reversing a 15-year policy, the [US] Department of Energy has quietly ordered an evaluation of cold fusion research. ...
The DOE will only acknowledge that its decision to re-examine cold fusion is in part based on national security concerns. ..
Among other things they [cold fusion researchers] are hopeful that Science and Nature, the two leading international science journals, will begin publishing results of their cold fusion research. But this time their dream must be tempered with the fearsome new reality of international terrorism. Mallove told PM that scores of cold fusion experiments have revealed the production of enriched uranium, plutonium and tritium. If, as much of this research suggests, cold fusion can be used to produce weapons-grade materials, terrorists will have the ability to unleash destructive force previously available only to the world’s major nuclear powers...”
— Extracts from “Dangerous Science — Maligned and ridiculed, cold fusion gains respect as a cheap way to produce nuclear weapons,” Popular Mechanics August 2004 cover story.
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Popular Mechanics August 2004 |
Although not every inventor working on new energy technology suffers a “premature death,” it sometimes seems that practically all of them who are achieving anything worthwhile are subjected to some sort of harassment.34 Examples are too numerous for any comprehensive treatment here, but I'll give brief details of one of the worst cases, together with an Open Letter on the subject.
T. Henry Moray
T. Henry Moray (1874-1974), the inventor of a solid-state Free Energy device which apparently captured radiant energy from its surroundings, was subjected to numerous death threats, and both he and his wife were actually shot at on several occasions. Once, while out driving, his car was hit many times by shots fired from another car — fortunately in anticipation of such an event Moray’s car had been bulletproofed. On another occasion, while working in his laboratory, Moray was shot and wounded in the leg. In another bizarre incident a Dr Felix Frazer suddenly smashed Moray’s device with a hammer before Moray could stop him. Frazer had been appointed as a “scientific expert and bodyguard” by the Rural Electrification Administration, for whom Moray was working at the time.35
An Open Letter
An Open Letter to All Working on Alternate Energy, from Paul Brown
I have been involved with alternate energy research since 1978 while still a college student. Over the years I have heard many nightmare stories about people who developed something significant only to be persecuted, harassed, prosecuted, and even killed. I was sure that these stories were exaggerated or possibly the result of the inventor’s own paranoia or such. Further I met several inventors whom I felt were their own worst enemies (via fabrications of their imaginations) which confirmed my beliefs.
As time went on, and in about 1982, I became involved in work of some significance and received some minor criticism and skepticism that I found to be beneficial as well as practical, but no death threats or any other forms of persecution. I built experimental devices, learned things unavailable from books, filed for patents and in general felt very satisfied with my life, society and the scientific system.
However, things began to change slowly and alarmingly. The more success I had in my endeavours — the more I began to attract dishonest and greedy people (I know this now but was unaware of it then). My life became more uncomfortable as time went on but I was not sure of the problem.
In 1987 we decided it was time to let the world know what we were working on and the results we were getting. It was a proud time for me. I thought we were doing the right thing. But this was the real beginning of the worst.
Since that February 1987 I or my company have been persecuted by the State Department of Health; then the Idaho Dept. of Finance filed a civil complaint against the company and myself; my licence for handling radioactive materials was then suspended for six months; I began to receive threats (i.e. “We will bulldoze your house with your family in it”); securities fraud charges were then filed against my company and myself; then investigation by the Oregon Dept. of Finance; then the tax man; then the Securities and Exchange Commission; my wife was assaulted; I lost control of my company; my home has been robbed three times and vandalized on four other occasions; twice now I have been accused of drug manufacturing; I lost my home; most recently my mother’s car was pipe-bombed. With each hardship I strive harder towards successful development of the technologies under my endeavour. But it only seems to get worse.
Someone once said: “Paranoia is only a heightened sense of awareness.” He was right! It is hard for the average guy to comprehend these disasters happening to select people. I am here to tell you it is not coincidence. I now understand why some inventors drop out of society.
My advice is to keep a low profile until you have completed your endeavour; be selective in choosing your business partners; protect yourself and your family; know that the nightmare stories are true.
God speed. Good Luck in your endeavours, and Never Lose the Faith.
Paul Brown36
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Paul Brown |
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"Excluded" — Attempts to find on now give this result |
References and Notes
29. “Cold Fusion and Decrease of Tritium Radioactivity,” Otto Refenschweiler, Infinite Energy No 54 p13.
30. “Further Evidence of the Decrease of Tritium Radioactivity by a Thermodynamic Evaluation of a Heating Experiment,” Otto Reifenschweiler, Infinite Energy No 54 p14.
31. Infinite Energy No 55 p9. Dr Mallove warned against “... the pathological skeptics [who] will be out in force with sharpened knives and all manner of dirty tricks to derail this review.”
32. Formerly available at, but no longer avalable there, or on However I did find it at
33. Jim Wilson, “Dangerous Science” Popular Mechanics magazine, August 2004, p75.
34. High-profile supporters are also harassed. For example, a few months after author Sir Arthur C Clarke publicly endorsed cold fusion in Discover magazine of May 1997, unfounded stories surfaced in the news media accusing him of child abuse.
35. Tutt, The Search For Free Energy, Simon & Schuster, 2001 p32-65.
36. Tutt, ibid p282-284.
37. Infinite Energy No 43 p69.
[quote ends]
Conclusion and hiatus
This concludes my series of posts on harassment and premature deaths. This blog will now go into a brief hiatus, hopefully for no more than a month.
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