Saturday 29 March 2014

First Blog Post

Welcome to the first post of my blog

I have decided to start a blog about my investigations into "free energy", because I think it will become useful to me, at least, to have this record. It will mostly be about my investigations into electromagnet/permanent magnet interactions.

As will be seen below, I may also occasionally have something to say about purely mechanical devices, which is where I started my investigations, many years ago.

I'm perfectly well aware that all orthodox scientists and engineers view "free energy" or perpetual motion machines as completely impossible, and they will give apparently sound arguments for their views. More on that in a later post.

I'm also aware that the definition of "perpetual motion" itself has been changed over the last few decades in almost all dictionaries, with one very notable exception. More on that too, next time.

Every now and then I'll throw in a blog post that may be only vaguely related to these topics, but still on something that I find important, or at least interesting.

Here is a photo of some components that I made for one of my first attempts at a mechanical perpetual motion wheel. I include it to show that I'm not just an armchair computer modeller, and that I have "paid my dues" to some extent, as a builder of physical models.

The two discs are made of 4mm aluminium plate, and are exactly one meter diameter. Their hubs are machined from aluminium alloy castings. The support stand is made of 38mm aluminium pipe. The plastic cases contain some of the fasteners (nuts, bolts, capscrews, washers etc) that I have used in various attempts at mechanical perpetual motion — there are hundreds of fasteners!

Machining the hubs for the wheel shown in the first photo. When your lathe is too small — raise its headstock!

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